Another Life-Time Skill
Since The Readership has been notably silent about my invitation to identify life-time skills (Sugarfoot gets a gold star for her contribution that reading is a life-time skill,) a patient that I saw today offered one up for consideration.
I had inquired about her occupation and she responded that she was working part-time, which gives her time to spend with their newly acquired horse. I asked if she had been riding very long and she said that she grew up caring for her horse and that she wants her children to have that opportunity, too.
She went on to say that feeding the horse twice a day, grooming and exercising him/her, teaches a child responsibility. That the relationship that one develops with the horse gives the child a sense of compassion. In essence, caring for a horse during childhood and adolescence is great preparation for adulthood.
I’ve never cared for a horse, but I think that we have to add this to the list.